Sunday, November 6, 2011


Writings, Rants, Dreams


What this, my self invented saying means is that unconditional love, even humane or courteous love, in this captialist, consumer and war ridden World, is seen as a crime in many instances. Add contempt people have on other people because of age, looks, income, race, sexual preference, occupation, politics, and this saying comes back. Falling in love or loving a person can bring contempt, hate, even violence from some critics or onlookers. The source of the saying came from 3 sources: the George Lucas sci fi film THX1138, a future underground World where human love is a crime, Dennis Cooper's novel FRISK, where the book dustcover jacket described self destructive Gay youths where the MONSTER IS LOVE, how love among such destructive people is worse than their sex torture murders.

The last influence was actor Earnest Borgnine, who in one past newscast of the 1980s, tearfully lambasted the abuse and abandonment of elderly people and relatives to neglect and death in America, where he cried in tears, "we're running out of love in this World!" All these influences to Jay Mal signing his websites and blogs with THE GREATEST CRIME ON EARTH IS LOVE no matter how much war, violence, fear, greed exists, as LOVE remains terrifying to a for profit World.


JAY MAL TURNED AGE 50 FEB 5 (Born 1961) SAT-Don't feel a day over age 18, though for the Gay social and sex culture age 50 is still inconceivable to have lived that long (after 29 years of the AIDS epidemic mass killing Gay/Sex enjoying men and boys and females). My elderly biological father is age 79, so me and my non identical twin brother, if genetics and healthcare, no mass apocalypse or nuclear wars happen, stand a snowballs chance in Hell of living another 29 years past age 50. That would make us eligible to be around 2040 when ecological devastation, food wars, prison death factories, UFO/E.T. repression overloads, and nation states reconceived, are all potential scenarios, and it's anyones guess if the post Baby boomers and Gen Xers will have any Social Security or Medicare to depend on after the domestic terror wars the Republican Party and Tea Party insurrections gut Federal social programs in America.

For what it's worth, this may be as good as it gets (and Jay Mal still hasn't gotten laid again in 15 years!). At least there are Birthday cakes and candle blowing wishes that don't mean a damns worth of meaning, but are nice points of deception. There's always online adult porn, streaming feature movies, and scorched Earth anti conservative blog politics to keep the blood flowing.


One of the other terms for a "Book of Rituals" can be a "Book Of Shadows".

There have been some differences among occultists about what is what in documentation form. A rituals book being a seperate self created tome to a Magickal journal or diary with more details, including astrological/moon/planetary info, if used or phenomena after specific workings, and/or dreams and astral plane visualizations. Dream documentation, being more frequent, in some cases using a seperate book. There are the all in one personalities to put EVERYTHING of info into one text, which makes for stimulating reading to the inheritor once the occultist dies.

The magickal diary/journal is helpful to see of workings then to see patterns afterwards for coincidences, syncronicities, phenomena, this especially with curses/hexes at specific targets, love-sex spells, money-endeavors schemes. Such texts, even if dealing with other occultists, are best kept under good secured locations, even in code language, as whoever finds such documents, could use the info against the character or livelihood of the occultist, not just religionists, but persons out to character assassinate one's mental reputation. After 9/11, character profiling and the Religious Right in politics, expanded to include many type of people as threats to national security or domestic communities. Satanists, Left Hand Pathers have been right up there with anarchists or critical of Abramic religion leftists, enviromentalists, liberals (aka the Democratic Party).


I got up at 7 pm and with the weather change, it's still daylight. Then I have to prepare for the day, and do exercise, wash and douche, then do my set up for a morning wood WOOD WORKOUT or humping the folded and piled blankets with huge plug in my rear and headphones on head, while I watch the various mansex deep pumping video clips I download till I reach the cum moneyshot. Sex and body workout. Every gym should have them, well I guess bathhouses with gyms catering to Gay and Bi males have something close to it, but what freedom when you have the combination with morning wood. Then later that night, more jacking sessions with mansex videos. If I get 8 hours of sleep, I have the stamina to get 3 sex sessions in, sometimes 4 if I go with the "one for road" jacking before bed, but the key is to break in a new (to me), mansex video clip, like a one night stand or fling playing on the laptop with audio headphones in ears. I could imagine the amount of stress release if such simulated sex allowances were permitted to sexually functioning males in prisons, asylums, jails, detention centers, branches of the military, police and fire departments like hospitals and paramedic units. All these enviroments with sexually satisfied male members are the staple of mansex porn fantasy films. At the age of 50, JAY MAL looks at the sessions as cardiovascular necessities like prostrate and urinary tract exercising techniques. The machinery running at its aging capability.

FILM GAYVIEWETTE: (2009) Handsome Harry

Pensive, sensitive, not quite the drama one might assume about a recollected Naval queerbashing in the Vietnam era among sailors and two mates carrying on a secret sexual romance that was the cause of the hate crime. Skillfully directed with a strong ensemble cast of veteran actors, some once leading men. Jamey Sheridan was the surprise clincher as the post Naval electrician Harry Sweeney. Sheridan wasnt at first recognizable until the familiar long jaw grin gives away traces of the Devil as a human denim clad RANDALL FLAGG in the Stephen King mini-series THE STAND of the 1990s. With the terminal illness of Sweeneys best friend and death, who also was a virulent homophobe, Sweeney takes on the friends last wish to make peace with the seaman target of group sailor violence, a talented pianist who also has his hand permanently damaged, with Sweeney the cause despite their Gay closet romance. The first half of film can almost be a post Straight Baby Boomers drama with actress Karen Young in a pathetic and sad role as a spurned waitress offering affections to Sweeney that even after a first date, still treated like sloppy seconds Wallflower material. Flashbacks to Sweeneys Gay sex mounted on anal rear lust finally unravel that he has always been a Bisexual for social conformity, but always loved the man he brutally wounded. The drama has some political redemption at least, as in 2011, President Barack Obama lifted the Federal Dont Ask Dont Tell statutes from the USA armed services, while not smoothly applied, was the beginning of legally tolerating LGBT to serve without legal and military related ruin or tolerated homophobic violence that has been deadly over the decades.

DOOMSDAY SOLAR FLARES? Race to F*ck Most Man Ass On Earth

Leave it to me to find doomsday levity on the blogs, but the media or corporate agenda finds no end to drive people insane, or scientists playing a Ponzi scheme with corporations to make money on disaster capitalism. Not surprising millions of men and boys Globally are running to the DOWN LOW, as males are easier targets for quick, throwaway sex and drugs or just sex flings in succession to fill the void with some last gratifications before the unknown or carnal pointlessness of death, like dead meat animals in frozen food sections of stores give a damn about sentience to their carcasses and consumption by humans, to be cooked, eaten, and defecated. Massive Solar Flares from the reactivated Sun, our great star of our solar system to warm up Earth and cause electromagnetic damage that will instigate social unrest Globally, including the alleged "Leader of the Free World-AMERICA". Sex orgies and drugged warped happenings will be the order of the day and days to come.

I find myself singing some of the lyrics of the 1970s song BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY by QUEEN after reading these doomsday scientific forecasts where who knows where on Earth, save in radiation proof underground bunkers with dehydrated foods, stored water supplies, meds, weapons, anyone will be
able to ride out this disaster, until fights break out among survivors over who gets sex, or sexually jumping someone's partner, and of course, the best cans of food.

Freddy Mercury sang ".....Nothing really matters, anyone can see, nothing really matters, nothing really matters to meeeeeeeeee, .......any way the wind blowwwwwws...."



The death on July 13, 2011, wednesday of a media known aged 20’s Democratic Party political figure in Kentucky by blowing his head with a gun in a family home garage, a happy, upbeat, popular figure, brought back memories of the character “Sam” from the film LUSTER, who can’t deal with his life struggles or love of another man and kills himself.

The suicide of young Dem Matthew Vanderpool, when attractive and blond, actor looking Gay young men with popularity commit suicide and there isn’t a known history of drug or alcohol abuse, sometimes the cause is Gay male alienation, or if a closet sex life, which is hard for public politicians to have, a discovery of an HIV positive test status or other STD news that can set off suicides. Background journalism in his death and family and personal ties will likely tell more. But suicide as popular trend in the Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender counterculture is not a good thing, it adds to depopulation of a political constituency and LGBT don’t reproduce in same numbers as straights. The AIDS epidemic decimated whole Gay neighborhoods for 20 years alone.


I've seen a larger version of this twink having to be disciplined by an older master with a very Gay inflection voice, but butch enough for the noose and hanging of neck, while the twink balances on tip toes, then clothes pins put on his flesh and nipples to torment him. Very nice high bubble buttocks on twink that should have including good beltings. Again, this manner of torture is and has been used by the USA Central Intelligence Agency operative advisors to overseas torture facilities of suspects and by soldiers trained in the Georgia School of the Americas to train military and dictators for colonies of corporations and Right Wing USA politicians.


Food service eatery jobs are Hell on Earth. I worked my first offical job when I was age 17 at a Carl's Junior outlet in the Fox Hills Mall of Culver City, CA and it was henious experience in 1978, it was also a brutal lesson in class and racial issue job warfare. Many corrections and drug abuse halfway house parolee and recoveree hires that were ticking timebombs to people from different class and race locale upbringings coming together for first time. Mainly American Black and White, but other groups as well. Depending on the news, that incident could turn the workplace into an us and them fracas, plus the endless antagonisms of the customers. Carl's Junior was a slight notch up from McDonalds in the caste system. The smoke and residues of lard and grease on my clothes and hair at the end of an exhausting 8 hour shift, males did the clean up and kitchen work, while females mainly the cashiers to flirt with customers. Could never work in food service again after that. I walked off the shift one day after attitude defiance with two other male workers by the time I turned 19.


The real social anthropology of religious and secular human paradigms are fully displayed in this disaster video clip for Joplin, Missouri on May 22, 2011-Sunday, a day after the World and mass media waited for the radio ministry of Harold Camping and his "Heavenly Rapture" of believers to Jesus Christ and God's enactment of an apocalypse on Earth. Camping set a biblical numerology timeline from May 21 to Oct 21 for massive destruction to strike nations. Heavy Global Warming related superstorms and tornados made his doomsday scenarios just a tad concievable.

One Youtube videoclip had tornado escapees in a convenience store as the twister approached, a crowd of 20 adults and children packed inside a walk in freezer, power out, but just as the twister hits, yet not uprooting the freezer with occupants inside, panicking, screaming, then a woman's voice ranting out in Southern Evangelical charismatic twang "JESUS! JESUS!".

Another voice, that of a young 23 year old man sounding like a secular Generation Y slacker, proclaiming "I LOVE EVERYONE" "I LOVE YOU!" as if this last bit of humanity could be his deathbedless conversion before dying, ripped apart by the twister. The group survived and their video went viral Globally online.

With the amount of movies, TV shows, video clips that Jay Mal sees on a weekly basis and reader of historical narratives, the clip made me think of the last sentiments of humans facing injury, pain, horror, possibly death, not just in a Missouri freezer, but through history. Karma and life repetition caught me. What groups of people being gassed in Nazi death camps railed and ranted for.

Targeted groups in pogroms and nations that were sealed in locked buildings or other structures and set on fire. People in bunkers or compounds in war zones or police standoffs that led to mass deaths.

In the election period media wars of 2011, such a mass of adults and children, 20 people in a walk in freezer, could have been from warring political sides. Registered Republicans and Tea Party members with counter belief citizens or people that in eveyday life could be virulent racists, homophobes, sexual predators, or criminals, and caught at ground zero amid a powerful tempest, a last shred of humanity in it all. What comes in the aftermath, a return to contemptable routines or a respect for human life, remains the mystery.

FISTING IN AFRICA (Comical Tutorial Funded By Evangelicals)


Another fear based sensationalist group makes an instructional scare video for the press and activists on what homosexuals do in their lifestyle with an active instructional on fisting in the male rectum and scat action. This video went viral online in the West for it’s comic value in a Global Gay4Pay, opportunistic mansex planet that Straight males fully participate in. Many of audience attendees, young sexually lustful men were probably more turned on by this demo conference and rushed home to the internet to get in on mansex porn and networking chat/webcam action. Manlust and opportunity is the same Worldwide.

The minister asking after demonstrating fisting "we have to ask Barack Obama, is this what he wants to bring to Africa, to eat the poo poo!?" This video couldn't have been produced better save for Saturday Night Live or anal sex obsessed Jewish comedians Howard Stern and Adam Sandler. Hilarious. And Africans already have extensive anal and toilet sex among their men in their overcrowded sex slavery prison system.

This was pointed out on other blogs, evidently Britain and the Anglican church, which has ministries, along with the Catholic Church in Uganda that are recieiving funding from USA Evangelical groups for these homophobic conferences, among associations around Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann of the Republican Party, Britain doesn't want these videos to create a Global backlash against their government or Uganda and it's exploited natural resources as a corporate colony. Politics overshadows everything, so they blocked these videos on Youtube in Britain, but they are embedded on other servicers. One will get through. These conferences are unintentionally pornographic, but have the same curriculum here in the USA. Religious anti Gay conferences love scat and fisting and bondage, what conservative Republican Party closet cases love in sex.

On Prison Rape in Africa. Some of the accounts read like hardcore interracial bareback porn. Somebody is getting Gay anal sex in Africa and the prisons seem to be the major places. Enough Western Gay tourists that would pay to get gangbanged by Africans and Arabs in their prisons, bareback whores abounding.


Ever since I saw Eion Bailey and his very hairy muscled body that he apparently didnt want to smooth wax out in more movies for the mainstream idea of male attractiveness, and his lost look blue eyes, in films like FIGHT CLUB or AND STARRING PANCHO VILLA AS HIMSELF, it was bodacious to find him in this early career indie film set in a bucolic, but already jaded Monmouth County, New Jersey, around Middletown and the hilly wooded, affluent and still very registered Republican Party enclave of the State across from New York City. Every movie that shows the pre 9/11 Twin Towers skyline is a timecapsule. The theme of alienated, hostile youths from comfortable suburbs dealing with deadly circumstances, gives rise to the fact that no community is safe for families, not even gated communities. Here Middletown could be a seaside low populated scenic community, away from the much news hyped urban youth and gang element or code for Blacks and Latinos. Yet drugs, spousal violence, murder, suicide, clique bullying, latchkey alcoholism among teens, all culminate with mortalities. Only character Barrett, still holding on to his religious egalitarian diplomatic paradigm of life has some remote character likeability. Ryan is nihilistic with no real appreciation for friends or life beyond mewling his Libertarian Population control, Neo Genocidal dialogues, youth dialogue that seems over sophisticated even for indifferent New Jersey teens. The music soundtrack had a sizeable amount of good alternative rock band tracks, more music than this compact film could use.

UK Legless Lizards In Slug-Worm-Buffet-Boxed Darwinism

THE QUESTION IS WHY? Jay Mal, while perusing the endless amount of pointless nothing video clips in his nihilistic online existence between blog postings finds material that makes pointless sense about life's carnal meaning, namely subsistence consumption. The compact amount, in comparison of other nations, wildlife of Britain and Ireland has been an armchair decadents concern. The Slow Worm, or legless lizard of Britain, many specimens put into a vivarium with a smorgasboard of live slugs and worms, provided a voyeur's fest of Darwinian tug of wars and strikes for prey. One's human condition, already sabotaged from birth to a host of struggles by comparison to animals.

British reptiles, because of their conservation reintroduction of habitats, are legally not allowed to be kept by civilians as pets, so these Slow Worms are on the lam, but well fed for their repilian sleep dreams.Most interesting, considering in Britain, the Adder or their British species of European Adder, which is the only poisonous snake in Britain, is found up in Scotland and in Northern Europe as high up as the arctic circle. No species of Rattlesnakes, the American vipers, up in the Alaskan arctic circle. The adder survives better than other snakes because it injects poisons into prey, then sniffs them out and it's fluids begin the deteriorating of the animal prey tissues, like acids, for the snake to eat upon repossession. Some people have died from allergic reactions to the adder, but fortunately, conservation efforts to reintroduce them to the wild is underway. 

The Slow Worms of Britain are pretty large copper colored legless lizards, but like all their reptiles are protected by Her Magesty and the Crown, so buying or selling or having them as pets can be fined or jailed upon human participants. I recall in one director Ken Russell cheesy horror movie based on a Bram Stoker novel, THE LAIR OF THE WHITE WORM with idiot savant Hugh Grant, a Snake Priestess villain gets a horny man victim bitten by a British adder that get's him under a controllable narcotic high effect till his life is snuffed. A purpose beyond a purposeless existence.


Only in L.A.. Nice outdoor poolside area, great idea for Gay resorts to have a man ass rape stockade for quick fuck cumdumps. Love the Top's mastery and sex selfishness of that shithole cunt. Earth Wind And Fire music playing in background? Good show for the people watching heard in background. Not knocking the Top for wearing a condom, he doesn't get HIV/STD infected, he'll be a powerfucker without dick disease drip for a longer assfucking career.


Director Philip Ridley gets some kudos and gold stars for concocting this psychological horror of personality/Faustian pastiche that has scores of storyline and cinematic clues from other sources. For one, the birthmarked Jamie Morgan, played with nervous pathetic eyed Jim Sturgess, looking like a brick or slap in the face comes every minute, bears a character similar to the Gay outcast birthmarked misanthrope played by John Hannah in MADADASCAR SKIN, to the East London Satanic network of the leather motorcycle rocker Mr. B and his hoodie, urban Scallywag thugs that are reptiloid faced, huge teethed Demons firebombing civilians to evolve human survivalism, the story and Demons familiar to Clive Barkers HELLS EVENT tale from THE BOOKS OF BLOOD series. 

Far Eastern Karmic symbolism abounds including a little Hindu girl companion of Mr. B in yellow sumptuous Sari and jewelry, almost like a spiritual Deva Angelic mentor to Jamie against the nefarious Asuras malific beings that can be Demonic Herukas, or souls tearers of afterlife conflicts cleansing akin to Tibetan Buddhism. Horrific murders of a Male prostitute, a Black Briton neighbor, Jamies mother, to a neighbor female model, the story edges into Jamies mental breakdown of what he loves and hates destroyed, by his alter ego, culminating to his fire bomb death at the hands of neighborhood thugs, hating his facial deformity, but finding love at last with his dead father at some picturesque park in an alfterlife illusion.


Jirka the Boytoy. The twink in some Eastern Euro nation with weird painted buildings and people still putting washed clothes out to dry on clothes lines outside because dryers are a costly luxury, tells me of the rawness in store. Some masked thug neighbors decide to make an example of him. Amazing the pain tolerance and loose rectums of so many twinks by age 18 these days. The dildo training in the shithole was not that large, a beginner's edition. Good electro shock session. With less regulation of porn industries in many slavonic countries, room for snuff films being made and hard torture sex videos. Some military regimes have hazing of this type to toughen recruits. Shot a good load of cream.



This simple sentence by an online blogger reminds me of some comments a past Los Angeles, CA late night radio host on weekends had about his drive up California's Mendocino coast and stopping for gas with his UV vehicle at some village/trading post road stop that had exiled hippies and their young adult children running the community. The radio host, in his age 50s, grizzled, shaved head, goateed, 6ft 4 inches tall, stressed from urban life meets a young woman in bright India cloth shirt and jeans coming with the gas pump, the radio host asks, "how you been?" to which the woman replies dreamily, "I'M BEING" and proceeds to comment about the health food and natural crafts cafe down the street or a natural spring up aways. The village was like a 60's commune of flower children mellowing out or zoned out on something. The radio host had fun commenting about his shouting along the So. Cal freeways at darting lane crossers, to this wind chime tinkling outpost of urban refugees simply "BEING" or whatever that translates into Grateful Dead/Dharma psychedelics speech.



Enticing, the joys of youth, sexual lust, playful freedom. Blew a hard load of cream watching a twink getting fucked from behind, his sheer happiness from performing for the camera. His succulent asscakes with a hint of tanline being pumped by another young man with piston force. The bottom's face breaks in smiles and laughter, enjoying the cream semen to fill his rectum.


That pink and white bathroom is like a decor bad dream, like post Soviet East Euro government furnishings. In the midst, a muscle stud checks in on two younger twinks sharing a bath (to save water?), and gets two tight asses for the raw training cunt fucking. Once boys come of age, every enviroment has sex potential. Hard to find a man by age 30 that didn't fuck ass or get fucked himself. Pure straights are liars.

Liked the easy listening r & b jazz track. One of the brunette twinks has nice hairy spider legs, gets an anal probing ass and rectum washing, then the next twink's turn. The older guardian gets his money's worth for caring for these merging sluts.


Rumbling of the sky and clouds overhead, a storm that the fearful would think "God" is mad that joyous sodomy is taking place. In some regions, superstitious think the God will strike lightening where sex or assfucking is taking place during storms. You proved them wrong. Fucking with a long meat pole into the ravenous shithole cunt of a hungry bottom needing forced use. The Universe was impotent to stop it.


Adequate enough to blow a cream load. I could imagine myself docking up to the lean tanlined asscheeks with Speedos mark and joining in a three way. A tanned White man plowing a jockstrapped younger Black male in jockstrap. A match like two guests at some seedy hotel meeting poolside then going to the other's room for raw sweaty sex that will expand to others.


This was a video I downloaded to my hard drive before I took down my past groupconnect group LONG PIG CAFE. Was a bodacious 28 year old bottom ravenous for hard sex bareback. This anonymous breeding in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. This kind of toxic breeding in the same state as the lunatic politician Michelle Bachmann running for President under the Republican Party. Anal sex sodomy is popular in this state even among closet case conservatives that are first to answer poz breeding ads in online sex websites. Good sniffing from the bottom as his shithole cunt, well douched is creamed and pathogens passed to add to his collection.

True to the tradition of getting tops from Craigslist ads or bareback sites full of closet heterosexual men wanting a quick no strings attached shithole pussy fuck. The Top even has to leave his shirt on to not get too Gay with his lust and expose his chest, some Straight assfuckers only pull down the front part of their underwear, but not the buttocks end, so they don't get arousing stares at their asscakes, which is too gay. A quick pump and ejaculation like a guilty teen masturbator. Just quick enough to weasel out, assuring themselves that it was lust and not betrayal to a wife, girlfriend, fiance, or family relative. Thousands of Gay and Bi bareback bottoms crave being cumdump whores for straight men even if they get no mutual pleasure.


The ultimate for thrill seekers, anonymous hook ups online, total strangers into one's home, or those that don't have roommates or personal guard. Bottoms that are vulnerable and face down on bed. Here an underwear skank with bodacious high asscakes and middle aged top, bearded, with nice cakes too. The man could be married or a father or even political conservative from a rightist neighborhood. Fully caught on camera assfucking till climax. The skank lets the man dress and observe his used pozzed body. Not to look at the man or think about stares of regret, being used.


"Awww fuck the Russian is mad! Crazy fucked up!" wails the butch, masculine German accented skinhead bottom. The bottom's mannerisms are controlled and agitated, like a wary Gay4Pay straight man. Igor piston fucks in his classic take no prisoners style with his lanky musculature pounding doggy styler till the bottom wails, "oooooh, oooh, oohhhh, oooooh" to each huge sausage thrust in shithole cunt. Makes one wonder how many muscled, aggressive, masculinist shaved headed men are really closet anal bottoms wanting another Alpha Male to bitch fuck then down, revoking their mancard!


Huge brown Mandingo dick stretching that bottom shithole cunt for impregnating. Globs of cream cum for breeding. I can feel the pain of being his stupid bitch, taking a beercan thick sausage wondering when the inches are going to stop. My huge black 10 inch dildo giving pain like this bottom, until we all shoot cream. I'll be your Mandingo housewife to get meat like that for my bitch dinner each night.


So good blowing a load to Antonio Biaggi Davila as he also wears boots and tanktops fetish, like in the military. He's still pumping out bareback action videos on par with Peto Coast as piston powerfucker. Love how the bottom gets a doggystyler with the camera from above and the cheeks spread apart for deep thrusting. Will look forward to when Antonio gets assfucked himself or is the meat sandwich in the middle of a 3 way.


I can never visit a ROY bareback assfuck video clip without knowing it's going to do me in, especially if any hints of ass tanlines. I wind up breaking down from online work having to strip, lube, put 10 inch buttplug up my shithole and simulate fuck along with ROY into his mancunts. Love his doggystylers packing the meat in and legs up stuffings till he knocks up his mancunt slut with impregnating cream.


Was alternating in fantasy as I was simulated assfucking with my 10 inch buttplug up my shithole cherry rectum, that the bottom Black was a prison inmate being force fuck interrogated by a prison guard on lunch break in a discipline room, the bottom bound and gagged for breeding. Then went into the bottom being the barracks bottom at a Marine's military shower area, giving substitute cunt to horny married and straight Jarheads, taking the fucking with marine endurance and pride to service his brothers. Blew a shitload cum shot and moaned, called out loud.


Had to get a handle on myself. Top HIV toxic cream breeder Brad McGuire powerplow/rapes a muscle bottom, Chad Rock into pleading gratefulness. The two skinheads make the most with Brad's professional rough doggystyler rides packing uncut meat into the shithole mangina capped by a legs up plow on a couch. My mind went from marine showers sex to prison cunt ass tax pumping till the cream shot, knocking up the manslut who couldn't escape. "Who's the man you stupid bitch?! Knocked up like a shit stained whore, fuck you!"


It's takes more than just sex fucking to make good porn chemistry. Sometimes one finds pairs with well explored mutual senses, provoking every nerve and sensual point with precision. In film, the result is shared by viewers to reverberate like soundwaves.....

Real California Dreamin'. Sun, palms, pools and Jase pounding the powerbottom Ric, stretching that cunt to no end. Jase a good bottom too. Thick cream. Blew a load riding my 10 inch buttplug thinking BOTH fucked me.


Ahh, those were the days. The period before June 5, 1981, when HIV was officially coined as the cause of a series of mysterious sicknesses and deaths of mainly urban American Gay men. The porn industry was riding off the wave of the sexual revolution 1970s and condomless Gay porn was an institution, fueled in the pre VHS cassette days by Gay porn theater directors like William Higgins. COLT studios and FALCON studios had their pricey porn stable of musclemen and huge dicked powerfuckers. This COLT film scenes compilation, in CHAPTER 3, "COMING TO THE END" features then Colt star ROCCO RIZZOLI who later would be known under Falcon studios as the sausage 9 inch uncut top and bottom GIORGIO CANALI, in this scene paired up with Nick Rogers. Rocco Rizzoli is wearing the red tanktop at deep fuck start. The naturalness and gritty edginess of Pre 1981 porn along with carefree sex play still titillates over 30 years later in the 21st Century as Bareback porn and culture has made a bold comeback, enboldened by new anti retrovirals agains the once purely deadly HIV/AIDS viruses.


Good vintage piece of pissing fetish and sandwich 3 way assfucking. Love how many of the 1970s and 80s Gay porn had models where tanlines on asscakes were the norm. By the 1990s too much Gay porn had the no tanline one hue bronze look, like blow up dolls. Fortunately in the 21st century many pornographers are bringing back the tanline. The natural outlined asscakes of a lighter hue to hone in the dick and deep fuck the shithole like a missile.


Succulent brown round and tight asscheeks on the bottom and the Black top with ram rod going in for a doggystyler drill plow. The bottom did a bit too much dramatic moaning for my tastes, I'd have gagged him. The jockstrap framing the fuck cunt was perfect for meat packing.


It's a process to find mansex porn videos with REAL middle eastern men, and more alluring if they are also muslims. True, these Turkish hairy men have the indo euro look of native Turks. The leaner one is the top and guarded with gestures, like married men that arranged this tryst, but maintain as much masculinist gestures for the camera. The heavier chubby man offers his asscakes with a well douched rectum that the top takes to immediate pumping without romantic moves and shoots his cream inside and outside. The top doesn't even help the bear bottom as he jacks his cream. .

Another part of allure of Mid Eastern and Arabic men (muslim included), is the roughness and speed to reach orgasm. This can be further understood in mid east nations where homosexuality in society or caught online by the government, can lead to imprisonment, torture, rape, execution, especially where religious Islamic laws apply (despite many mid east police and prison guards that engage in rape of inmates too).


A cloudy day beach in Brazil, that muscle lifeguard gets a full power fuck legs up and in blanket position of a tight, barely legal tanned lanky twink that needs an authority figure to serve and worship. His yelps and moans of pain match the random slaps by the top as he's power fucked. Afterwards a view of a jungle bay inlet with black turkey vultures scavenging as the last place to lay down and suntan, but exotic for the oversexed local closet cases.


What a paradise, to be a big dicked masculine skinhead tattooed top "SHANE" that has five trim muscled anal bottoms with their douched, cleaned, and lubricated rectums pulsing to be fucked by their master at HIS leisure. The ultimate way to enjoy morning wood or before bedtime lust, if one can get such mancut for free, all the better is life.


What this video clip and the makers show is that in the realm of internet porn and fetish sexuality, there are no real taboos anymore. Heavy people as either bottoms for penetration into their meaty orifices or as tops to plow thier dicks with thrust force from thick thighs. Creaming semen or pissing into the lubricated rectums of social throwaways affirms that both types of outsiders find partners for affection and being wanted. Moments of purpose few can understand.


The tanlined asscakes of the Latino bottom did me in with his Top powerfucking him doggystyler at a bench, then deep lubricated legs up into the shithole cunt that was flawless, then into a doggystyler where the asscakes were jutting out, like round dripping orbs for a riding, then deep creaming. A baseball locker room fantasy that I intertwined with prison yard athletes or military soldiers after a facility sports game.


Whatever happened on the music or arts scene in Los Angeles, California in terms of deaths or crime events filtered outward in social circles, this being way before the Internet as we know it or even affordable computers for the home. In December 1990 I opened my small Controversial Arts Gallery in Hollywood, right on Hollywood Blvd and Ivar St. The tension with the LAPD, L.A. Sheriff's Dept, News media and the bigoted L.A. Times in terms of police shootings of Black and Latino residents was nonstop by 1991. When Punk Rocker Henry Rollins went through a robbery that had his roommate Joe Cole killed at their home area by Black Venice Crips, the media built it up as more racial antagonism of crime on resident celebrities, that spilled out into the music club scene and arts gallery circuit. 3 months later, the Rodney King videotaped beating would happen and the cop trials with the media agitated the city and the nation. The 1992 L.A. riots would be the culmination of the period, but the arts scene would be fractured to this day.

During the 1992 L.A. Riots, I was about age 31 and working at a large WLA Psychic Hotline company that had those psychic hotline commercials running nationally. That huge staff of psychics and lunatics, the place went into a form or psychological racial cannibalism with the non stop racial politics of the Bush I regime and the then GOP Governor Pete Wilson. This was as the later to be elected Gov Bill Clinton of Arkansas was campaigning for President. Few expected the L.A. riots to happen, but the then Black Mayor Tom Bradley as much of Black L.A. was in a political war with the psycho LAPD chief DARYL GATES who along with L.A. Sheriff Sherman Block, a creepy racist background agitator, the police departments deliberately held back the force from going into the first city hotspots when the verdicts were read, and Mayor Bradley and his staff had a rant press conference of the not guilty judgement of the cops that beat Rodney King. The main flash point was FLORENCE AND NORMANDIE avenues in South Central, where black youths and looters attacked White drivers, caught on camera for the nation and the GOP and hate radio to whip up more violence. I had gotten off in the afternoon from the psychic hotline and was watching the news, the rest was history. All afternoon rioting, burning, then on Thursday, next day the fires spread citywide. I couldn't go to my art gallery because Hollywood Blvd had many places on fire. The lame Gov Wilson called in the National Guard late the 2nd day and by the 3rd day, troops were in various parts, but mainly West L.A. to protect the wealthier areas. The racial antagonism after the deaths and riots left the social and arts scene in divisions and it never recovered, even to this day. The Republican Party was to blame for the problems as they are for the divisions right now.


I always enjoy Christian and other religious group social networking and public event style videos for the man watching knowing in my 5 decades of living and walking Earth, that religious men and boys also fantasize and sometimes act out on the down low, homosexual sex, sometimes barebacking with drugs and orgies or gangbangs and public place cruising despite all their religious propagandizing. Given that from April 2011 to Dec 21, 2012-Friday and the doomsday hysterias of the mass media, millions of men and boys will be out on the low, looking for last chance mansex should their beliefs PROVE FALSE, but mainly because many religious males are sleazy perverts. I enjoy the thought that such religious males get turned on washing their asses, and fingering rectums, or stretching their dicks while bathing/showering or breaking down to actually fuck male ass or get assfucked themselves, thinking they will never be discovered. Ultimate challenge for barebackers is to stalk religious churches and organizations to see if they can break down believers into sexual cumdumps. A last tryst before corpse days or fires of Hell.

SATANIC UNITY CALL: December 21, 2012 Mischief

Omen III: The Final Conflict (1981) Stars Australian actor Sam Neill as "Damien Thorne: The Anti Christ" multimillionaire politico. Adult Damien suggestively fondles a bound naked Jesus statue with thorns crown from behind. 3 minutes 23 seconds into clip, Damien addresses his Satanic rally of minions and human servitors. This kind of cinematic Diabolic summit, still the romantic concept of numerous Satanists that unity can be achieved on this level. (Sam Neill never humped that statue, but I would have!).
I couldn't resist. With my 50 years seeing movies and TV shows, how so many political and occult discourses bring me back to celebrated scenes of visual media. The call for a unification of Left Hand Path occultists Globally for December 21, 2012, the alleged end of the Mayan Calendar (claimed numerically off by archeological scholars), by various online LHPers for a statement purpose to the World and media, reminded me of the scene from the 3rd Damien franchise racket. Directed by a Born Again Christian director that lifted his conspiracy agenda from Christian comic books, particularly the tracts of JACK CHICK, where everyone from Satanically marked children to law enforcement, politicians, even clergy, are infiltrators in society to convert the Christian and secular masses to the Anti Christ's rule plus the "Mark of The Beast", into damnable slavery.

I take the twink with the 2012 Satanic Confab gatherings Worldwide as Gonzo Meaning Festivities. Much like Mardi Gras.

The mass media will play up the Doomsday scenario as will most hate radio stations. The USA and World will know who their next USA President will be, whether a vote recount or contesting ensues. Look at Dec 21, 2012 as the NIGHTMARE AFTER CHRISTMAS, a second Halloween. There should be enough mock festivities to add to any amount of occultist shenanigans. Anton LaVey wrote THE WHOOPIE CUSHION SHALL RISE AGAIN, so pranks and mock festitivities are in order. The religious right wing is desperate for a supernatural event, they would fund one if it could happen. If Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann, or Rick Perry are made President, there will be reason enough to really rebel ANONYMOUS style. Got to love a good party.


Saturday afternoon, April 9, 2011

JAY MAL was over at his father's house where he rents out a room for his belongings and some furniture and as a crash pad in West L.A., CA. Went to the back bedroom adjoining bathroom, went to mirror to use electric shears to shave my head, then take a shower. Had the bath door open, thinking my father was still out on errands. The electric shears humming away as I got every spot, my body just awakened from sleep and tight before my later waking and working "morning wood" session. Suddenly I hear a voice in back of me, "HEY MAN! WHAT'S GOING ON?!" I turn around and see my elderly 79 year old robust father with a grocery bag and turn beet red, "HEY MAN! CLOSE THE DOOR! OH MY GODDDD." He slammed the kitchen panelled doors that connect to the hallway leading to the back bathroom, just in time, as my elderly mother was trudging up the front steps getting out of father's van. 

Dear Old Dad, must have spent a minute staring in major disbelief and aghast at one of his son's nakedness. My burly, hairy, muscle toned honey brown skinned backside and buttocks as I enjoyed a head shave with shears before he yelled out. I'm under the suspicion he's seen me naked before at other places, as I sleep naked and in warmer weather, he may have peered into bedroom or other place windows as he likes to do home repairs or gardening and is always curious of sneaking peeks into windows. This time, he saw my FULL MONTY and it made me wonder what ran through his alleged Bisexual closeted elderly head. The scenario immediately made me think of the reverse situation in the Biblical story in GENESIS of the Patriarch NOAH, that when Noah got drunk from his plentiful wine and fell asleep, was seen by his son Ham, but it was Ham's son Canaan got the curse from NOAH for seeing the nakedness and his descendents (never mind NOAH's two other brothers that did a backward Moonwalk with garments to cover NOAH, heads turned away), a get revenge strike that also became associated with the darker skinned descendents of Canaan that would become a loophole for justifying not only servitude, but slavery and exploitation of Africans and all Non White people in Christian era times. 

Jay Mal was the one happened upon by the father, but there is no Bible story of children cursing their parents for being seen naked. Still, the Noah story would be an ample allegory to condemn nudity, unexpected chanced upon family nudity as evil and degenerate for centuries of Judaic and Christian, in variations, later Islam as well.
I consoled myself as I dressed hastily, ignoring the shower, with at least my body was in sexual and toned shape, particularly the buttocks and legs in comparison to my father at age 50, the age I am now! Immediately I had to brainstorm counter remarks and even jokes if it was brought up again. When my elderly 86 year old mother came in back with a bagged lunch from a fish fry restaurant, she didn't even mention the nudity, a rarity given my father tells her every snide little gossip and grudge about his family nonstop. I had the standby "yeah well, I don't have anything on me he doesn't have on him" meaning the build and "Johnson", but my father is not so hairy, nor is his skin as brown as mine. In the aftermath, all types of imaginings will commence, but I've the rationale that if I must be sighted nude, it's why I maintain a bodybuilding regimen so I've got some form and muscle mass. If it brings disgust from father, then good, he'll never know the sexual and personal enjoyment my hairy body gives me or my circle of adult network fans in my explicit images!

BIBLICAL NOAH CURSES HIS RELATIVE CANAAN AND SON HAM FOR BEING FOUND DRUNK AND NAKED (Can Someone Explain Lack of Privacy Responsibility and Alcohol Moderation in this Ancient Patriarch!?)


So Massachusett's Institute of Technology credits a med treatment that could kill more than one virus, including HIV.....

The medical government and contracted college and military labs, calling the kettle black, many of these facilities engineered the original deadly pathogen strains going back before the 1970s. Of course the labs already have the cures for many diseases or mutated pathogens. Just enough for the pharmaceuticals and med industry to make money off a pandemic like AIDS, Cancer and Staph, but just purposeful enough to be contaminated into foreign national disease immunizations financed through the World Health Organization and International Monetary Fund schemes. Thanks for nothing to these criminal operations. The AMA and CDC has done everything to disprove natural and holistic medical treatment routines for everything from AIDS to cancer.

Only deadly strains of HIV that exist now are the biowarfare hybridized superstrains unleashed in any number of places. WHO didn't depopulate all of Africa, Latin America, SouthEast Asia as they had planned. The Hepatitis B vaccines tainted with early beta version and superdeadly HIV in the 1970s then given to scores of urban Gay males at med clinics did it's number, almost wiping out the original post Stonewall political generation.

The moneymaking areas of the AIDS epidemic were and have been shut down for the middle person (middleman being sexist to women), for 3 decades, and I never got a foothold. (YES, GAY MEN MADE MONEY OFF DYING GAY MEN).
The viatical settlements investment business was shut down repeatedly by the Feds and their entrepeneurs and assets confiscated, viatical as in estate and life policy futures of AIDS and cancer patients taking buyouts on their policies in advance to pay for med or other care, bringing in investors, and cash payouts when the patients died.

The AIDS and other meds brokers at lower prices racket. The Feds again cracking down on entrepeneurs on behalf of the AMA and Pharmaceutical industry and the USA government nixing most laws that enabled Americans to buy prescription meds at lower prices over the southern and northern borders.

The early Hospice care industry died out by the mid 1990s as a privatized venture for investors when protease inhibitor anti retroviral medications went mass marketed.

A number of AIDS related industries I didn't get a foothold in. Perhaps the next big government created bio engineered pandemic might ring the gold. SARS and H1N1 went boom and bust for beta meds investors. Aw shucks.

It's open territory how HIV/AIDS became refined from an isolated pathogen going back to early 20th century USA. The conspiracy theories were in full swing by June 5, 1981 when HIV was first labeled as a pathogen. One regular guest on the national USA coast to coast radio late night is Dr. Leonard Horowitz that regularly discusses the latest pandemic du jour. Mutant diseases that exist and once lab isolated revealing cross components of other pathogens, as in SARS and H1N1, cause one to question what in nature can create lifeforms with such rapidity, in comparison to past epidemics. In a Satanic Darwinist sense, HIV/AIDS and now strains of MRSA or flesh eating Staph, like Hepatitis, and STD related cancers have done some incremental depopulation in impoverished nations and urban centers with politically maligned populations.


I kept thinking of the horror movie HOSTEL, where young male studs are lured to be kidnapped and sex snuffed by hot women. Looks like a real, ad lib, spontaneous Straight Latino man pick up from street. He's wary and homophobic, "Juan", then loosens up with the big tit slut woman in van, $1000 offered as he's a minimum wage laborer foreigner. Argentinian "Robert" is the butch bottom. After BJ, Juan's turned on, goes for powerfucking, legs up, riding the man ass, legs up again. Both men cum heavy. Lousy ending, tricked, Juan is left in Florida swampland road? with no money or his gymbag, told to check a flat tire. The narrator/camera man is so obnoxious, I'd have slapped him at the end just to shut his cackling and "I'm so straight rough it's cool" attitude. Maybe they went to pick him up after cam off. Latino not paid, no release forms signed, his closet status, used against him. Dick for brains young men are prone to these crimes or worse, snuffed and dumped. Great fantasy, I wouldn't recommend it unless one is suicidal, love no escape routes, or so horned up for thrills. Body in trashbags by freeways.



A variety of women, some young, older, attractive, plain, are with me at a telemarketing call center. We are working closely at the white colored booths. The women are instructing me how to raise commission tallies on the phone sales. There is also pressure to join some type of staff endeavor or group activity which I resist. Some of the women are sexually attracted to my physically strange appearance. I’m aware that if they are not banished or distracted away, I’ll be forced to physically destroy them in some paranormal way.


I’m at a crowded shopping mall with many floor level kiosks (as at the Fox Hills Mall in Culver City, California), while window browsing come across a pet store that has many small fish in compact tanks for sale. I go inside where I come across animals of every variety wandering freely. A number of large shaggy dogs come forward to smell and inspect me, particularly 3 Irish Wolfhound type breeds. I see snakes and many tarantula spiders on various tables crawling, plus other exotic animals and birds. The animals, despite their species, differences, are not attacking one another. A woman employee with long brown hair and mixed race features approaches wearing jeans with a green work vest. She says “you’re welcome to join in anytime you’re ready.” The vibratory impression I feel is of some feminine archetype principle like a GODDESS figure and Earth’s wildlife. I’m also aware of some type of permission before proceeding on any workings related to the female gender.

Leaving and reaching a busy boulevard street resembling one of many in the San Fernando Valley region of California, I find a fellow employee of a call center I worked for, an androgynous long blondish haired 30ish man called “Kim”, quite thin and lanky, drive up curbside in a ruddy colored pickup truck on route to some social function. “Kim” assures me all is well and “you can start anytime you want.” I ride with him through the night streets until reaching what looks like a modern exposition hall. I’m let off then bid farewell to “Kim.” At the large hall, a lecture and exhibition of contemporary pop culture/art is screening to large crowds of under age 30 visitors. I enter the line where by long tables, several security guards are checking ID’s and running computerized checks on everyone. Exhibit booklets are given to the lucky clearances. I back away worried about something in my past criminalizing me.



In the pink sunset hue familiar to East USA States, I’m walking in the “Main Street USA-wood paneled style.” The brilliant greenness of the mowed grass lawns startles me by the perfection. A hilly row of houses come up against a huge cemetery of several acres. The elaborate marble tombs, crypts, and gravestones show its origin could stretch to the 19th Century. The backyards of many houses merge into the cemetery like green carpeted runways. Evidently a popular past time of this community are for couples and small families to have afternoon picnics in this necropolis. While walking along the “low noise” and peaceful picnickers I slow my pace as I approach the broad back of a giant man nearly 7 feet tall with his shirt knotted around his waist. The man has the meaty/stocky physique of a television gimmick pro wrestler. I find myself telepathically entering his mind. As he lumbers away I see the faint sunlight illuminate his skin that is a rich powdery blue color. The face is grimacing, unshaven with stubble while his hair is glistening curly black. I/he merge as one “documentary” recorder. The brute quietly confronts couples and families at picnic spots. With hypnotic glare and powerful arms, he lifts and slams down adult men and women, youths, and children, much as TV wrestlers do. Some people have stunned pain, others hear the crack of limb joints and fractures. I’m thinking during the assaults that the brute reminds me of an extraterrestrial from a 1960s episode of STAR TREK while the feral nature makes me think the Hindu deity “SHIVA” would dress like this if badly trying to camouflage himself in contemporary America.


Somewhere in a “new community,” possibly an entertainment complex in Las Vegas, Nevada or Los Angeles, CA or even Chicago, Illinois, I’m among hundreds of tourists and local visitors who are sampling the array of cafes, stores, nightclubs, bars, and outdoor street performers. Many are dressed in evening finery though the fashions have the period look of 1977. I’m wearing a rich green colored suit with a green and royal blue Fedora hat with a blue feather sticking out. My attire, like that of many men strolling, would bring the word “pimp” to mind. I enter one nightclub where dozens of well dressed men and women are joyously dancing to pulsing dance beats more of along 21st Century synth pop. I reach a staircase to a lower level lounge. The Royal blue wallpaper with European Classical theme oil paintings in golden Baroque frames stand out from the wide assortment of couches and armchairs as visitors sip drinks and smoke aromatic cigarettes. Sometime later an earthquake begins shaking the lounge. The visitors dodge in different directions. I run to a backroom fire escape stairway yet the quake brings down some boards and flat debris from the street level. A heavy screen of various colored wood squares, like a dressing partition, blocks my ceiling of escape. I’m pushing the screen and boards, calling out once the strong, but brief quake stops. I hear crowbars and yanking above as people start to call down the openings for any survivors. Finally the wood screen opens and I’m hit with a swath of noonday white sunlight. Rescue workers in uniforms and some khacki shorts start cheering and jeering their lifting me out. With a distortion slip of time, I went trapped in a stairwell from night till day. My elaborate “pimp” attire and ridiculous hat are joked about by rescuers.


Four young American Black women are at a card table scheming a conspiracy aimed at unbalancing me psychologically. They evidently haven’t seen me in the shadows of the room I’m in. As I take another turn in this non-descript building, I find a “motherly” type White woman trying to find someone near me, a strange burly White male teenager with a sneering dim witted face sneaks past me, hiding behind me, then I feel an attempt by this lunatic to use a power drill into the back of my neck. I shout the idiot out, though am fascinated by the face and stupidity of this “entity” that “feels” etherically human as opposed to animalistic.



A garishly colored bed, large enough to accommodate over 10 women and men are partially clothed while their sex organs copulate. A large medieval style religious tryptich opens up to reveal a heavily tanned and brown hairy man monstrosity in black red velvet suit, raised bruise bumps form two horns. Some smaller dwarf mutants are busy putting fish hooks connected to thin chains on all the copulating people. When it’s my turn I tell the dwarf, “if I wanted to join in I’d tell you.” To the “Devil” ringmaster I add snidely, “well, it’s been a long time and what a get up.”


Near my bedroom door, in murky shadows, a presence that looks like a reddish grease stained rubbery costume of “The Devil,” complete with cloven hoofs and pointy red tail skips, then tip-toes closely in, checking on my attitude. To the ridiculous hallucinatory/entity I add outloud, “one would think you’d afford something better than a cheap Halloween costume from what? K-Mart? a thrift store?” It sneaks away embarrassed at my scoffing, humiliated that many atheists are created by idiotically created phantasms.


I’m walking dressed in black on a beach that looks like Playa Del Rey, California when approaching me is a tall White male with a clipped, trimmed beard and feral expression. He has six other men with him, all are dressed in white. They approach with the purpose of engaging in violence. I change the topic and underplay any conflict through miscellaneous banter. I bid farewell. While walking away, back now turned, I’m aware they are ALL trying to restrain themselves from attacking. The main bearded leader, scoffs and starts to lead the group away on that pink/orange sunset beach. The contemporary look of these beings doesn’t hide that “astral instinct” reveals they are “The Annunaki” of ancient Sumerian mythology or Judges of The Underworld. Their identity fields came to examine the voice behind the evocations. I say aloud, “Enuma elish la nabu shamamu, when in the heights Heaven had not been named, Shaplitu ammatum shuma la zakrat, and below, firm ground, Earth had not been called.” A shimmering of forms resembles watery mirages then with fiery flash vanish as the reddening sun enflames a dying day.


Within a community similar to the sun bright and palm tree neighborhoods of West Los Angeles, California, I’m outdoors from an unfamiliar one story house, when looking up at the blue sky with patches at white cotton like clouds, I see “square partitioning” and the luminous white robed Holy figure of “Jesus Christ” peering down as one of the “Sky Gods.” The dream presence is one of such forgiveness and “love” outside human definable terms. The Christ visitation is not one of celebration, but of “monitoring.” Some type of citywide or nationally extended emergency has taken place. I look older, in my 40s or 50s as a group of civilians motion me to join them inside well fortified and armed gated communities. I can hear police or ambulance sirens in the surrounding streets. “WE” are preparing to defend ourselves from some approaching calamity that could be outside human reality.


The Sow on the Pole dancing is a Porker bombshell. Sizeable amount of men like meaty women in tight attire and heels. Venus of Willendorf Goddess turned to Pole Slut. 3 holes for pumping like a meat hill. Miss Piggy can climb plus grind a pole. Get the Hefer in a Black male gangbang. Love those eater mamas.


Only in Germany could the naturalness of power/authority style sadomasochism seem so feasable with Tops and Bottoms. The master in leather gear, appears as a "medium intensity" trainer on a happy, eager to please skinhead youth.

Light face slapping, inspection of well douched cleaned rectum and buttocks, happy playful caning of asscakes.

A loving exchange of Top's hot urine into the slaveboy's mouth with begging, loving eyes.


I saw the remake of THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE in West L.A. multiplex theater on a rainy winter night with a packed theater where most the patrons were laughing and cheering at this scene of Leatherface psycho killing a young traveler and removing his face so he could mask his own deformed inbred mug, monster child of the town Sheriff and his sister or cousin. Many deformed or disfigured faced people have this fantasy of face replacement in society, sometimes taking it to extremes. The skin would be too precious to waste, good for parchment dried for Demonolatry rituals. The inbred family here had hearty stews of the meat from victims.


It's a step up from spraying flat out pesticides or caustic burning subtances (burning anti riot chems used in many prisons on inmates to beta test police products). What is tested in Britain and Europe, then Israel, will attempt to make itself to the USA. This tactic would be a hoot to see sprayed on violent and fanatical Tea Party conservative's rallies, though for them Purple dye would be forced to wear "Gay" colors like Tinki Winki of TELE-TUBBIES fame. Law and Order Satanists and Social Darwinists should love this except when the time comes to spray them for some accused political or theological deviancy. Green spray would look good on enviromental and animal rights radicals. Mix and match colors too.



THE SOUL RIPPER: A question for theists or spiritual people...

Suppose you could have your soul/spirit painlessly and permanently destroyed, would you? No more risk of hell or divine accountability so you can have all the sex, booze, etc you can handle. Well?

Please note that the person asking this is an atheist with no belief in a spirit, but the question's still valid.
It's an alluring offer and fits with the Atheist and Secular Materialist reasoning about what happens when a human body dies, nothing more of identity as it dies or blacks out with the electrical currents of the brain. If NOTHING lies beyond, then humans have been doing it for thousands of years and ego or human aspirations remain behind the longing of some sentience after death. For complete materialists and criminally inclined with selfish motives for vices and pleasures, a total blackout sounds fine, even if the evildoer or libertine must die themselves a brutal death (the whole out "in a blaze of glory" type confrontation fate). To have one's lifeforce identity destroyed in absolute blackouts by one's choice elminates worry, if true, of afterlife reviews and cosmic soul punishments found in variations with many religions and belief systems. For a sensible libertine, pleasures like having all the sex, alcohol, drugs, revenge or deliberate violence, murder, torture on others or political and social crimes, to hold off the inevitable identity blackout, life would have to be meted out carefully. For those with careers or creative endeavors, planning out a legacy of works, plus media to be remembered by, would take some precedence, and too much vice would wear down the organic facilities to create that legacy. What the late Satanist Anton LaVey called "life after death through fulfillment of the ego".


Some hardcore toxic bugchasers out there on the sex circuit. Men begging for my deadly HIV poz cream semen and viral strains. What one drop of my semen can do, rubbed into an open blood wound or put up a freshly fucked ass rectum into abrasions. All this temptation and the health department and clinic Gestapo ready to jail me if I'm traced to an unknowing infection. Waiting 30 years for that AIDS cure. Even The Devil doesn't answer our Diaboic prayers.


Potent caning on the college aged, swimmer's build twink, that has a nice tanned section and good creviced delicious asscakes for deep fucking. Taking caning swats while his hands tied at intervals and bent over on a heavy wood table, makes for a good interrogation jack off fantasy to the ass and body struggles. The twink wants the pain and punishment. What background his young life has had in buttocks swatting is arousing to conceive of.


After I stop laughing I'll take it seriously as a national USA social and political issue, more so in a Libertarian/Independent party sense. It no longer matters the mainly male elected political leaders, whether Democratic Party or Republican Party or other affiliated party leader. 

Buying sexual services from sellers, sex workers, escorts, masseurs, or even hired employees of non sex related jobs (usually categorized as sexual harrassment), would not become scandals or criminalized cover ups, if the United States actually had a national policy for sex workers, not just a few counties in some States (Nevada/Rhode Island, etc). 

Whether the sex workers are male or female or transgendered, there are plenty of productive taxpayers with employment or careers that either don't want the cost, hassle, time for dating or relationships, or perhaps want variety of people in their sex lives. 

As such the demand outstrips the supply and quality control of sex workers who quasi criminalized are prone to violence and non medical check ups or prone to substance abuse and exploitation by representatives/management commonly called "pimps" and "madams".


Seems that just about every kiddie sex as art film (faux youth porn) cinematic pastiche is 6 degrees from Executive Producer/Kiddie eroticism director, Gus Van Sant. This tastefully done production from the creators at the Sundance Institute are offering a luscious treat of non linear, subconscious and dream like images of preteen boys, try age 13 this time, the main protagonist, and his quietly butch 9th grade middle school older brother/lover hero. My toes curled at how this film made theatrical release and distribution particularly during the Leave No Child Behind/Anti Kid porn Pres. Bush II administration. I'm surprised the Republican Party didn't raise heckles that this was a NAMBLA recruitment tool. For a coming of age, Gay/pseudo-Transgender storyline, the treatment was alluring. Fairuza Balk now playing mothers when in the 1990s she was playing psycho criminal teens herself! Patrick White as the lean swimmers build, darkly sexy RODEO carries his own sultry beauty for any gender preference. Latchkey teen "LOGAN" appears stronger than usual doomed Gay teen portrayals, which is a somber positive ending to the Gay/Lesbian teens that take their lives yearly Globally from discrimination. Unlike any coming of age teen film I've ever seen before.


Just as Orthodox religions have had sectarian shifts, Satanism after the CHURCH OF SATAN 20th century monopoly on the topic for mass media and follower propaganda consumption having it's own deconstructionist analysis of Anton LaVey's and Church figure's works, was inevitable.

I draw comparisons to another popular school or movement in Magick and Left Hand Path occultism, Chaos Magick or Chaoism that sprung up especially in the 1980s and 90s. Authors like Frater U.D., Phil Hine, Peter J. Carroll and others with early 20th Century sorceror Austin Osman Spare thrown in. A category of Magick the deconstructed all occult systems, Satanism included, and used what was pertinent or useful and added one's own self stylings for workings. Atheism was encouraged as was alternating with paradigm belief switches.

The conflicts and powerplays of the CHURCH OF SATAN and it's Council of Nine, like the Lavey family frictions, have drawn many Satanists or just Darksiders into the void of creating new variations and forms of what Satanism will evolve into. Present era Satanists that are publically known or figures in the media, also have to deal with the Church of Satan and their figure reps or Regional Agents having some investigation of what Satanic groups are doing in areas. This is akin to Orthodox religions labeling all counter sects as heretics and even threatening some kind of action or intimidation to silence them. 

Anton LaVey was one of the figureheads of a Modernist 20th Century Satanic paradigm foundation, but new Satanists will keep writing and creating the new tomes, films, paradigm directions in media, computer data for the 21st Century and thereafter.


Dour, point filled movie, about ageing in America/World for as long as capitalism/consumerism as life paradigm uses and spits out human beings based on their youthful/mid-aged uses to the system. Filmed in 1990, the storyline gave no mention of the first 9 years of the AIDS epidemic, though it would appear the crusty chainsmoking, paunched hero "BILL", gave up his Gay NYC lover in the 1970s, and went on his way living and working as some ad agency brass. Thousands of Gay and Bisexual men (me included), that survived the last 30 years of the AIDS pandemic can identify with BILL, particularly in Gay tolerant cities, as he strolls parks, bistros, shops, apartment blocks of past Gay male trysts and memories, his going back to 1960s Beatnik era. 

The matter of a 1st junkie boyfriend illustrates that before the Meth epidemic, Gay ghettos were affected by heroin and other intraveneous drug threats, with accompanying violence or "getting rolled" for cash. BILL's Gay lover leaves and goes straight with a wife and kids in Florida, while Bill has redemptive points with past relatives or late surviving friends, like one that checks his ATM bank account as Bill watches, having only $13 and blaming what? The Pres. George Bush I recession?!! Getting elderly and Gay/Bisexual without many contemporaries is a challenge. The Internet age affords Queer elders some chances for communication with other age groups, but also, at present over age 50 Gays/Bi's becoming HIV/STD positive later, along with a 21st Century USA medical care system on a meltdown.

BILL's hunkering down for another night of smoking, drinking, watching TV and accepting quiet malaise, the scene feels similar to 1969's THE COMIC, where Dick Van Dyke, accepts his dreary apartment fate, eating cereal and watching old Hollywood movies on TV, once a silent film legend gone to dust. Perhaps in a hypothetical ending, Bill will develop hobbies or volunteer his time with causes.

REALITY CHECK: Porn Stars Aren’t Supposed To Get Diseases?

Antonio Biaggi Davila doing a piston efficient power fuck in doggystyler and legs up diaper position with a muscled bottom in a red jockstrap. Happy wet slapping of thick dick in lubed shithole cunt very well douched. Made me fantasize it was after a soccer game and Antonio badly needed to dump a load as his "girlfriend" was menstruating and on the rag. 

Antonio says he had chicken pox in July 2011. I saw the title of said condomless bareback clip called POZ DEPOSIT. Antonio regularly goes on about his being tested for STDs and those of his partner models in bareback porn. There is a reality disconnect and I"m banking that Antonio is already HIV poz and may or may not know it considering the whores he models with. Makes the fantasy all the more sleazier that Antonio is now a Toxic Breeder of mancunt. 

I had the Chicken Pox at age 14, Biaggi is in his age 20s or early 30s. Only persons I know that get it that late are HIV pozzes or people with cancer or other compromised immune conditions, that's based on 30 years of watching opportunistic infections in HIV pozzes. So many Tops that only assfuck and don't suck dick, can't conceive that their penis urethral canals inside the shaft can get infected from the mix of lube, preseminal fluid, shit particles, blood from the infected bottoms rasped rectal walls. Toxic breeder with a loaded gun. Sultry news when male porn stars get the fuck flu and other pathogens.


MONEY SAVED IS OFTEN THE ONLY RECOURSE TO COLLAPSING FAMILY RELATIONS. As with so many families, the matter of MAY/DECEMBER relationships applies. You may be of age with collected knowlege while younger or even older family members might be at psychologically different developed levels, for younger relatives, the hormones and sexual/emotional needs of the age group add to life circumstances and consequences. If your relatives display dangerous or antagonistic behavior, one finds "tough love" becomes necessary, if they are legal aged adults, so they will have to forceably change or go on their own. Relatives that borrow money or other things and never repay, one will have to point out the problem and cease to lend until any attempt to repayment is made, or the arrangement ends. True for Gay and Lesbian people in particular, politics or family dispersals is very common, sometimes from homophobia. Which is why so many Gay/Lesbian/Transgendered people go to other routes to build surrogate families or friendships for what no longer exists in real family. Our human condition is cursed to sickness and death, so consider some relations will be write offs, and go on till one's demise.
During the henious Gov. Pete Wilson regime, the Republican agitator with his California state thugs, one of the local hate radio stations had two openly Gay Neo Gay Republican talk hosts that covered news spin with a biased GOP slant. The KAREL and ANDREW show ran for over a year. KAREL was a heavy set extremely flaming effeminate "Top" in the relationship, while ANDREW was the handsomer, better built and HIV positive "Bottom". One show dealt with KARELs rants about his family and their alcohol and drug problems, plus homophobic behaviors and manipulative attitudes to borrow money. The show segment was titled "SHOULD YOU DIVORCE YOUR FAMILY?" Years and over a decade later, the endless Republican Party and Corporate thieving American capitalist system puts destructive strains on families nationally and Globally, so much that economics are playing a role at the same time mass media mind manipulates millions into consumerist and cosmetic/physical unrealistic wants that are celebrated on violent/psychologically abuse "reality TV" shows. So divorcing or axing family relations may take more study before going the full gamut.

REVOLVING CRAVINGS: Off/On The Wagon With A Hammer

I'm not immune to this having grown up in a NO alcohol, NO Porn, NO smoking, NO drugs family household enforced by female relatives like Kapos Dachau would have envied.

Talk about doing sobriety OLD SCHOOL! I was irked by the chem overdose death of boozer celeb singer AMY WINEHOUSE (What a name, a boozer name in elementary school), more so because chems in the brain become a craving war. I was overpowered by craves for Jack Daniels and Zombie like drifted to a corner liquor store, bought a half pint, my rigid Hellfire Roman Catholic upbringing kicked in and sado penitence won. Poured booze into toilet, went in car port and smashed bottle with hammer. My neighbors are so used to my sobriety fits because I told them, glass breaking is me exorcising my Demons.

On Inhalants, Me, Jay Mal, still battling my own chemical addiction Demons, even little ones, can't drink alcohol because it affects my digestive system/pancreas, and I again, with a metal hammer, poured down the toilet, then smashed $50 worth of online large bottles of Isobuytl Nitrates or Poppers, dramatic, but nitrates can further damage and instigate glaucoma in my eyes, with the already bad retinitis, why my sunglasses from eye strain.

Then I did what millions of males do, I rewarded my act with adult entertainment videos online.


An intimate and thought provoking experience, the death of non-human dependents, which is what pets and metaphorically, abused neglected children are until removed or come of age to leave. Bringing up the matter about pet deaths and if it should matter, in the bigger scheme of things. I thought of India, that has to much of the West, been the cradle of institutionalized concepts on KARMA and REINCARNATION, even though other cultures realized these paradigms, it remains famously to India. The Wheel of Karma in all living things, and the incarnation in non-human forms to work off past mistakes. Dogs and Cats in particular, being close companions, often have very human personalities, especially canines, telepathic in communication. If such pets were devoted companions during a human's trials and triumphs, that sentient lifeforce could have been human once and decarnated into an animal for this period, may have finished its sentence, till the next incarnation. Worse for animals that are those bred for slaughterhouses and food products, animals raised for violent sports games, or creatures tortured to death for sadistic human or even another animal's pleasure.


Fortunately, the Filipino language is a mix of Spanglish/Spanish (colonial Catholic occupation), English, and Tagalog. I can piece the Spanish words where the Tagalog and English sputter along with the characters as the white subtitles repeatedly against daylight or light background scenes was/is a common complaint. The film was originally banned in the Philippines, so who knows what theatrical release it ever had, and another full Gay storyline film wouldn't come along until the similar feature, DOUBT in 2003. MIDNIGHT DANCERS is a potent tale, bearing traces of most social inequity societal themes as here, in the squalid shanty ghettos of Manila where 3 "GAY4PAY" handsome college aged brothers supplement their survival for their parents and one brother's girlfriends and baby son as male strip club dancers and rental prostitutes for native and foreign men. Brutally corrupt murderous police, closet case sex politicians, and urban crime gangs make for brutal survival. The heavily Catholic Philippine Islands resemble Latin American oligarchies than an aspect of Pacific/Asian cultures. Despite the cinematic suffrage, the honey nut brown, smooth muscled and lustrous haired Filipino male dancers are luscious as erotic to watch like a number of skilled natural sex scenes.


As the book of Genesis in the Bible, the tale of Sodom and Gomorrah, the lip smacking male rabble of Sodom telling Lot about the visiting Angels, "bring them forth that we might know them" (for some licentious knowing). Texas Governor Rick Perry was being hailed by conservative media as the next Ronald Reagan and savior of America through an Evangelical Christian revival of faith and traditional values. Only problem is Herr Perry has a problem with his closeted homosexuality while being married to his legal heterosexual wife as Governor. Incidents that have been suppressed repeatedly. Rick Perry has committed Sodomy and Adultery while in political office and used his powers of office for a cover up of witnesses and participants. This from a man that wants to bring back national sodomy laws to control the free sexuality of Americans. But that we might "know" Rick Perry, some pertinent little facts.

I lost faith in the Republican Party on their endless campaign problems to get rid of the IRS. It happened with Ronald Reagan, George Bush II made endless promises and settled for mantra, "no new taxes", then came George Bush II promising an end to the IRS, in power went with military industry for 9/11 project, now the various Republican candidates full of axe the IRS and/or Federal Reserve, same with closet Gay Rick Perry of Texas. Once in power, back to taxed earmarks and corporate welfare slush funds, wars for profit, offshore tax shelters with americans tax money. Even the Tea Party are turning to sellouts evidenced with Wisconsin Gov Scott Walker, taking state funds, after axing scores of services, benefits to civilians, redirected to a boating company to create busines schemes. 

I'm waiting for "alleged" exposes of the Austin strip clubs, Rick Perry and entourage for the strippers and special services. Larry Flynt with the media are going to dump buckets of big dollars at the witnesses and participants of sex with Perry while he was married or insiders, everyone can get their hands greased in America with sex scandal info. Perhaps GOD is punishing Texas because his great servant Perry is committing adultery and sodomy, he's a fundamentalist Christian and summoning a God form that punishes 10 commandment lawbreakers.

WACO happened after the 1992 Rodney King Riots and ran parallel with the 2nd King cops trials in 1993, so the racial enviroment of the first year of Bill Clinton's administration was in high overdrive of antagonism with GOP hate radio and Rush Limbaugh in full airwaves assault. The militias and anti Democratic Party groups were also in organized frenzy. WACO and David Koresh played full well in partisan divides. Timothy McVeigh let America in for a shock, as he bombed a Middle America soft target and one with heavily American White citizens, including White children, leaving a media impression to millions of American Whites that the militias and right wing could kill them off as collateral damage if the goal with government seperatists and their allies against the corporate complying and taxpaying conformist majority. Had McVeigh bombed inner city Black and Latino communities, the reaction would have been sizeably different, even backing support for more. Given the realities of the prisons before the 2005 prison rape reduction act that is still slow to curb inmate sex abuse at present, corrections in the USA were common in sex attacks on inmates from inmates and staff with cop killers given special gangrape and torture targeting. David Koresh, if taken alive, after the deaths for 4 Fed agents, would have faced such a living pinebox, he took the martyr's route as his flock, seeing themselves in some sense as a modern day Masada holdout against the Roman Pagans.


That video clip is remarkable. Gay Horror writers Dennis Cooper and Clive Barker would get erections over its contents. This clip, if it had been on Youtube at one time, looks like it probably met the purge they've had over last two years of visceral content. The teen featured has a lot of endurance for pain tolerance. Doesn't look like he's drugged. It appears he had his penis severely shortened. The amateur surgeon almost faced an emergency if he didn't know how to make stitches effectively. These kinds of genital tortures are done legally through the USA CIA agencies in offshored facilities for captured suspects. The twink didn't go for anal torments, as his tight asscakes were delectable items.


You want to run that by me again? This would seem fantastical in 2011, out of Israel, until one researches Orthodox Judaism and extreme sects. This case of a lawyer that was cursed by a panel of Jewish religious judges, where upon death, his spirit would enter into a dog's body. Judaism varies on beliefs of reincarnation, but spirit possession is in the Old and New Testaments, and sentient intelligent possession into animals (the incident of Jesus Christ sending possessing Demons into a herd of pigs), or the tale of a talking donkey by a Ha Satan in the Old Testament. Jewish clergy can curse targets, the PULSA DINURA, a Rabbinic curse that was sent on the past politician Ariel Sharon who had a crippling series of strokes. The mutt dog of this story got away before Jewish children could stone the animal.

I forgot to mention the wily Snake reptiloid of the Tree of knowlege tempting the first woman Eve with come hithers of delicious fruit that she succumbed to. The UFO theorists claim Repiloid upright walking creatures with humanoid intelligence were around in the ancient Middle East days. The Hindus and far Eastern religions, some sects attest to humans in the womb selections after the life review of the soul, may mistake an animal womb for a human one and be reborn as various animals. The case of some Jewish sects intonating discarnate post dead human souls inhabiting animal bodies in possession, upon death, we'll all find out.

JAY MAL is a Los Angeles, California, USA, based writer and online political activist. He grew up in Los Angeles, has traveled extensively in North America, Mexico, Europe.